Category: Use Cases

Government of India leverages Educian technology


District Institute for Education and Training (DIET) are district-level educational institutes which have been established in each district of India by the Government of India. They represent the most significant educational intervention in the country and the government’s efforts to give top priority to improving the quality of basic education.

DIET’s help in coordinating and implementing government policies at the district level. About 3 million primary and elementary teachers need recurrent orientation to innovations in teaching and learning at the school level. The DIET has been charged with this responsibility.
DIETs have been established as centres of guidance for educational institutes and schools of a district. They also work as a platform for research and experimental work in the educational domain. It also organizes programs to train teachers in new innovation.

The Challenge:

Every year, D.I.E.T. is responsible for student registration, recording student progress throughout the school year, producing the results, and issuing transcripts for all educational institutes, both private & public schools, within their jurisdiction. D.I.E.T.s are required to manage hundreds of schools, thousands of students within their jurisdiction.

Current Process Challenges:

It is a time consuming, resource-heavy, and error-prone manual process to:

  • Manually Register Students
  • Record the Grades in Excel sheets
  • Produce the Result gazettes
  • No online registration, on-line results, on-line transcripts were available
  • DIETS were sending the paper-based statuary reports to the State Board of School Education

The manual processes were both inefficient and costly; requiring a number of resources working around the clock during the peak season to meet the demand which in turn cost the State Government thousands of dollars.

Managing these activities was becoming increasingly complex and costly and left the organization vulnerable to systemic failure to deliver on its directive.

Efficiency, Accuracy & Cost Benefits

Prior to Educian implementation:

By 2017, there was an urgent need for an enterprise-level solution which could automate the above process and was able to process a high volume of students each year in a timely, efficient, error-free manner. In addition to managing the high volume of transactions, they also are required to produce statutory reports to be submitted to the State Board of School Education.

The client needed:

  • A cloud-based solution, with the ability to manage multiple schools with each district
  • Secure solution with Role bases access at school & district level
  • A robust solution to be able to handle the high volume of students during peak time
  • Ability to Register student online
  • The ability for schools to record student progress on-line
  • Ability to produce on-line results
  • The ability for students to check their results online
  • Ability to produce on-line transcripts
  • Ability to produce statutory reports to be transmitted electronically to the State Board of School Education

The Solution

In 2017, one of the districts consulted with eXpentor’s south Asian partner LeLafe IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd., to implement Educian technology as a possible solution. LeLafe was able to take the entire D.I.E.T. process and transform, streamline and execute these processes using the Educian platform.
The results were profound.

The Educian platform gave the district the ability to:

  • Execute registration entirely online
  • Record and dynamically monitor student progress
  • Make electronic transcripts available online, on-demand
  • Effortlessly produce and generate various statutory state reports

For the first time, the district able to respond and deliver all required electronic reports to the State Board of School Education, accurately and on-time.

Since 2018, five additional D.I.E.T.s have joined the Educian initiative and collectively they processed approximately 300,000 students during 2018-19 school year. All six D.I.E.T.s were able to comply and deliver the common statutory State Board of School Education reporting needs. For the first time, multiple districts completed the process within the time frame provided by the State Board of School Education.

After the Educian implementation, DIET was able to:

  • Delegate the work to the end-users, in this case, students and school administration
  • Provide online student registration
  • Provide schools option to report student scores/grades on-line or upload a file
  • Produce on-line results
  • Produce on-line transcripts
  • Produce State Board of School Education Reports
  • Handle a high volume of the students

With the implementation of Educian as a solution for the DIET, more time was spent on the quality of the reports vs the collection of the data. Inbuilt data quality verifications reduced the number of data entry errors. Rules and calculations within the solution made sure that the output is consistent and reliable. The State Board of School Education made the Educian reporting formats as a standard reporting option for all the DIETs with the state. Implementation of Educian created efficiency at State Level and reduced the cost by eliminating the need to recompile reports from multiple DIETS.

Next Steps

By 2022, LeLafe is committed to implementing Educian iTrain in a minimum of 100 districts in various states in India, and eventually provide the nation-wide solution by 2030.